
Last Night...


gw ga tw hrz sng ato sedih....
yupp...coz ini hr n mlm terakhir bwt gw..
tdr d`kostan yg udah gw tmpti dr smstr 1...
skrg gw udah smstr 4...
bisa d`hitung sndri...udah brp lm gw tggl d`sn...
yaa....hampir 2 tahun gw d`kostan ini...
dan bsk gw hrz say goodbye ama nih kmr...

bnyk kenangan yg yg udah gw ukir d`kmr ini...
dr awal gw kuliah...
d`saat gw nangis krn kangen ama ortu gw d`bngklu...
d`saat gw senang akan sesuatu hal...
nih kmr udah gw hias2...sesuka gw...
tempel sana sini d`setiap dinding`ny...
n d`kmr ini melampiaskan hobby tidur gw...
kmr ini yg membuat gw tenang...

dan skrg?? kenyataanny?
bsk gw udah ga tdr d`kmr ini lg...
gw udah pindah kost...untk yg pertama kali`ny...
gw bingung...
gw hrz sedih ato sng sih??
seneng krn pindah kost...dgn kmr br n suasana br...
sedih krn gw hrz tgglin nih kmr yg udah gw tempati selama gw d`jkt ini..

and now....
Last Night...
byeee my room...
thx 4 aLL...

By: ^Blue_Fairys^

Wait For You...


d`saat km ingin melepas seseorang,
ingatlah saat km ingin mendapatkannya...

d`saat km mulai tdk mencintai`ny...
ingatlah saat pertama km jatuh cinta pada`ny...
d`saat km mulai bosan dgn'nya...
ingatlah saat t'indah bersama`nya...

d`saat km ingin menduakan`nya...
bayangkan dy sllu setia...

d`saat km ingin mem...bohongi`nya...
ingat saat dy jujur pada`mu (wahhh..kyny ini k`balik d ;P)

maka km akan merasakan betapa berarti`ny dy utk km

mY faforite songs ^Wait for you~ by: Elliot Yamin^

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
& I'm wishing that you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go? You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone,
Girl you could have stayed
but you wouldnt give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more then i can stand
And all my tears they keep running down my face
Why did you turn away?

So why does your pride make you run and hide?
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you wanted to be

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you

It's been a long time since you called me
(How could you forget about me)
You got me feeling crazy (crazy)
How can you walk away,
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is & it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me, your still in love with me
Don't leave me crying.

Baby why can't we just start over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But your telling me it wont be enough

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you

So why does you pride make you run & hide
Are you that afriad of me?
But I know it's a lie what your keeping inside
Thats not how you wanted to be

Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing i do

Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just aint true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you
I'll Be Waiting...

always lv u...

GBU all^^ 

by: ^Blue_Fairys^

Lupakan Masa Lalu...

d`sn...d`blog ini... 
gw akan memulai kembali perjalanan hidup gw...
dgn mendeskripsikan makna dr sebuah arti kehidupan...
serta berbagi pengalaman,cerita,de-el-el..
d`mulai dr yg ketawa-ketiwi XDD
cemberut >_<
kecewa :(
smpe yg bercucuran aer mata-pun T_T (halah..lebay^^)  
bakal gw tulis d`sn...

krn gw ga tw lg mo curhat ama sp n crta ama tmn yg mn...
d`karenakan tmn gw pd jauh2 euy...
secara gw skrg udah pd misah ama mereka..
kt2 pd misah,ad yg d`surabaya,dll.
dan gw??? 
terdampar d`kota yg penuh polusi udara,banjir,muacettttt...
d`sn gw akan menyelesaikan kuliah gw d`1 univ yg gw pilih sndri...
d`mulai dr snilah,gw berpisah dgn k`3 tmn2 gw....
hmmmmph...demi masa depan...gpp lah yaa...hohoho!~

sebelumnya gw pernah bwt blog...
tp itu udah lm bgtttttt....jamanny gw SMA,d`blog itu gw crtain semua pengalaman gw....
isi hati gw dll d...
tp itu ga mo lg inget2 blog yg lm...krn terkadang bs bwt gw sedih,marah,dll.
mkny gw bwt blog yg br ini...
ga tw muncul dr mn...niat gw utk ng`blog lg...
coz gw ng`rasa...d`sn lah gw bs ngmng ap aj....
ap ad`ny n ga ad yg hrz gw tutup2i ad yg ng`larang...yay!~
i want free n fly...
n then...i believe i can fly \(^o^)/

hmm...Lupakan Masa Lalu....
judul postingan kali ini pas bgt dgn ap yg mw gw lakuin skrg...
gw mo lupain msa lalu gw..baik itu yg seneng atopun sedih...
d`blog akan berbagi cerita untuk masa kini dan yg akan dtg...
gw ga mo liat k`blg lagi....mulai mo buka mata gw lebar2...
menatap k`depan...untuk meraih msa depan gw...seperti yg gw harapkan...

sekian first post gw...
always GBU aLL...

By: ^Blue_Fairys^